Which monkey are you?????????


We have heard about "The three wise monkeys" or "The three mystic apes"!!!

Do you wonder why am I talking about the monkeys???
Yesterday I happened to see a picture shared by my friend in 'whatsapp' with the caption:"Finally the 4th monkey has come!
The combination of all, won't speak, won't see and won't listen..."

I think this is a very true fact,especially when it comes to the so called NEW GENERATION!!!.
Most of us fall in this fourth category,who remain inert.Majority of the youngsters live with the notion-"I don't disturb you or create you any troubles,so what's the big deal???
I am not against technology or this beautiful 'WiFi' but I should say,its the main culprit behind this.Too often we remain glued to the phone whatsapping or instagramming.Why should we care about anything else when we get everything with a touch of finger???
In our daily lives we experience these monkey conditions.

Me and my sister does fight on a regular basis regarding this.With my phone in hand I am not able to concentrate on what she is telling,she will stop in the middle of her conversation and ask;Are you listening??
Imagine you are travelling to a beautiful spot.There is a reason for choosing this example.Last day a friend of mine asked me to suggest a topic for his speech.I thought, why not drug addiction or how about alcohol addiction or may be the trendy addiction now-the phone addiction??.But why should it be negative always and I suggested him with,"Travelling-the healthiest addiction".

I was thinking about the same for a while and a question came on my mind.How will a phone addict can enjoy the essence of travelling???.In a way we fall into the first category,constant distractions keep us away from observing the place we are at and being present in the moment.May be our naked eyes won't see the scenic beauty but our instagarm or whatsapp statuses will do!!!!

Recently I came across some people  with these monkey states.I did ask some of my friends to read and review my writings.Some of them heard it but were not ready to read it and they said "Oh!! no dear I don't have time".They belonged to the first category.
A few heard it and even read it,but they took the stand-"No comments";the third category.
And the rest belonged to the fourth one,they think-"Its none of our business"!!!

When I saw this picture something else striked me.Relating it with the same incident,some of them asked me:"Can you just brief,it is too long to read?"
Yes!!!...We live in a nanoworld,everything at the microscopic level.We look for shortcuts in everything we are upto,be it in case of a road,to pass in exams or solving a problem.We like the ''all in one" scheme.If we get everything with a single product,we definitely go for that instead of different products.
And this picture with the combination of all reminded me of this.I feel that this monkey have been created for our easiness,we invented it ourselves.So that instead of the three monkeys we could depict our category with a single picture.!!!!

But  we can try to be like the real monkeys!!!...What is the peculiarity of a monkey?.......Monkeys cannot remain idle,they are always restless;jumping,playing or whatever.So its good to be like them,not to remain dumb.

Sorry it shouldn't be too elaborate right!!!...So let us be a real monkey-"The Active one"


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