Can You Be "A Lantern of Light"..............!!!!!!

"There are two ways of spreading light:to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it."
                                                                                                                                                                                     -Edith Wharton

When you feel bored don't sit idle,try out some creativity.
Recently I have made a glass jar candle lantern.It is as simple as that.I have used a glass jar,brass wire strings,glitter glue,a candle and some "manjadi" seeds.

Do you wonder what to do with this "manjadi" seeds(as known in kerala) or the 'Lucky red seeds'.?
Okay!!!! ....Before coming to that, let me tell you a story behind my "manjadi" seed collection.

There is a "manjadi" tree in front of my house and I do remeber that during my childhood days I used to collect the seeds.But when I grew I don't even noticed the tree which is still standing there.A month ago my friend came to my place,while walking around she noticed the  fallen seeds lying on ground.She was so excited that the happy face of her, seeing them is still in my mind.She told me that she loves "manjadi" seeds collection and was even in search of them.Both of us picked up as much seeds as we could and she took them home with so much of love and happiness.

Why didn't I notice the tree and the seeds which once I loved so much???...I felt bad about myself and on the next day I went out,collected the seeds.

That was the story;coming back to the making of lantern!!!...

I took an empty glass jar,as it seemed plain I painted it with glitter glue to give a shiny look.I filled the bottom portion of the jar with some "manjadi" seeds-the bright red beads like seeds added the beauty!!!.The neck portion of the glass jar was tied with brass wire strings around its rim and the strings were twisted to form an arch shaped handle inorder to hang the lantern.Then I placed a lighted candle inside the jar,at the centre.The "manjadi" seeds acted like a support and helped the candle to stand erect.Finally I did  hang it up.

Tadaaa!!!.....My lantern is ready!!!!

Hahahha.....!!!....Now you will feel like,"What's this lantern stuff is all about??;anyone can make it..!!
Obviously anyone can do it and even much better.I don't mean to give a tuitorial on how to make lanterns.As I have mentioned in my blog's description,I love to connect everything with life and human emotions.And that is what Iam up to.

When we are born we are all like the glass jar.The glass jar is plain,hollow,transparent and we can clearly see the other side through it.Likewise when we are infants,we are innocent,our mind is hollow and we reflect our emotions without hiding anything.
The plain jar was painted with glitter glue to make it more attractive.The glitter glue-I would like to compare it with "the knowledge","the character","the wisdom" and "the qualities" we gain while we grow up.These all are so important to poilish us,to chisel us to beautiful human beings.These are the glitters of our life and we should stay glued to it,let it not fall apart along the way of life.

Now the "manjadi seeds"-"the money","the fame","the status".!!!!.These are also necessary to improve our living standards,to make our life more stable and more colourful as the seeds do.But these should not be in excess.Imagine, if I had filled the glass jar completely with the seeds;the glass jar no longer will be transparent.The other side of the glass become invisible and there will not be space to place the candle.And thus it cannot be used as a lantern;to spread the light.

Someone asked Swami Vivekananda:What is poison?,he said.... "Everything excess in life is poison"
Yes!!!...If the money and fame exceeds the limit; we will get blind,same as it happens to the lantern.It should be just enough to support us like, the seeds do.Make room for yourself to shine for others.
The strings-our self control,to keep us stand straight,not to oscillate and fall into greediness.

And now the candle;the most significant one-It represents "us",the people.We should spread the light in us to others like the candles do and also light the candles-"the people" around us.Share the light in you-"the knowledge,the money,the qualities" with others.

Find the hidden talents,creativity and the buried light in you like I have found the "manjadi" tree which I haven't seen for years.Get to the core of who we are; see the light in our soul,let it shine to ourselves and to the world!!!!!.


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