Lost In The Dark Woods!!!!!

Let Me Sleep!!!Let Me Dream!!

In the vague moon gleams that fade,
Through the dark woods,I wade;
Iam lost,it seems;
Amidst the canopy trees.
Thunderstuck as I stood,
Between the wind and the wood.
Over the forest,darkness descends;
As wilder blew the wind,silence rends.

Like a cloud I strolled lonely,
Roving as Iam the only!
Longing to scream aloud,
As much as I could;
The insight -no one to hear,
Escalated my despair.
I trod and saw river bends,
No clue where it ends.

Paths twisted back and forth;
I walked and walked,nothing worth.
I saw an owl hooting in the oak,
And stillness of night broke.
I heard croaking frogs,
Betwixt fallen logs.
Isn't it divine! I thought, 
A feeling many a times,I sought.

To be alone seems serene,
Untrodden aisles,still and green.
I felt the touch of sunbeam,
Opened my eyes,It was a dream!
All I want is to sleep;
The reality,I crave to escape.
Let me dream again,
To breathe the fresh air.


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