Do you know me...................................?????

'Strangers to friends'..its a good feeling!!...isn't it??....But what if the reverse happens-"Friends to strangers"...........
We promised and prayed,we be friends forever.!!!
Perhaps promises are meant to be broken,right??..

I can relate to a time when even our eyes spoke to each other.I could recollect the days when you used to recognize my voice even from a distance.."Hey!!..she's here..that's her-my idiot.."

And today I need to introduce myself to you,so that you could at least get to know who am I!
Both of us stand on opposite sides of a glass,so detached,,so disconnected.

Do u remember the days when we only knew the words 'we' and 'us',,but not 'I' and 'you'..??
Sometimes along the way silence took over words.
Do you remeber all the crazy stuffs we did together????

Once when the phone rang I used to ran to pick up the call,coz I knew you were on the other end.Then it was "the usual calls" and now it turned to "the rare calls". And 'may I know who is this"??.,, came in strange it is,right??.

Here we are today.,together only in our memories!!!..
Can we get back to those simple and lovely days .??can we!!!

Or else will it turn to a " lost friendship" rather than an "eternal friendship"??
When distance filled the voids..we remained miles apart!!!

I have read it somewhere-" When somebody asked me if I knew you,,a million memories flashed through my mind but I just smiled and said,,yeah!! I used to"...!!!!!


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