You Are A WARRIOR...!!!

Youth is a period of time which is very crucial in the development of an individual, both physically as well as mentally. But nowadays our youth seems to be in a confused state rather than being confident. The main reason for this is the lack of self confidence. "Youth" is that period of time where you could find "you". Let's try to bring out the "you" in you.
Youth should have this notion in their life which should also be their tagline, " YOU ARE A WARRIER" !!

I didn't do good in school.
I never scored good marks.
No,you did great;
You created memories.

I didn't do good,didn't get into an IIT
I loved animation,ended up with it.
No,you did fine.
You followed your dreams.

I didn't do good in college.
I never excelled in academics.
No,you did better.
You made good friends.

I didn't do good in career.
I never got any highly paid jobs.
No,you were superb.
You earned many hearts.

I didn't do good in family.
I couldn't make my parents proud.
No,you are worthy.
You love them so much.

I didn't do good in life.
I am a big failure.
No,you lived your life;
You are a WARRIOR!!


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