I Fear..........."THE FEAR"!!!

And now I  realised,all those fears once I had,were not the real fears!!..

When I was one,I feared falling down ,and will my mom go somewhere without me...??😞
At the age of three,I was afraid of being lost in the crowd and clung to my dad's fingers.. as tight as I could..
I was frightened to be alone in a dark room..
Will someone take my toys away??,I feared!!😝
When I was six,I was scared of exams..
I worried about unfinished tiffin boxes and home works.I looked at the chocolate in my hand  and worried about the share for my sister  which I am supposed to give😏
Now I knew those were the fears not to be afraid of.Infact they weren't poisonous and were harmless.

When I grew the fears too...
At the age of thirteen I was anxious about my looks,I feared of loosing friends.
At seventeen I worried of cracking my entrance exams and getting into a so called "reputed college".And I feared the dumb stares when I'm out in public .
At twenty one I worried about my future and the worst of all were the poor ' Wifi connectivity' and the number of blue ticks in whatsapp!!!😫

But what should I fear actually??
Its the "people around you"...so fake...so wicked ...so venemous!!!
Yeah!!...the most harmful fear!!!
And fears keep on shooting up day by day..,, fear of the rapist,,the crooked politician...the hacker...!!! 
What not to fear now???...nothing it seems....
Even the games now!!!!-"BLUE WHALE"

Burst your fears and don't let them control your life!!


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