A Letter To My VERY FIRST................!!!!!

We all have a childhood best friend;your first bestie in life.Some of us are still in touch with them.But some may not be.For many it's like a 'long lost friend'.Being in contact or not,let them know they are still remembered.So here I am writing a letter to my first bestie!This is for you,Femi-the bride to be!!!I hope while reading this, all of you could reminisce about your days with your childhood bestie.

My own Chubbiee,
Femiii,you are the "first one" I got and the foremost too.We have studied together in school only from LKG to 2nd standard.Thus we haven't spend much time together.But if someone ask me,"who is your best friend?"..."Femi" is the first name which comes to my mind.Always I am marveled of the thought 'how can you be this much special to me!'...But verily you are!!

Do you remember our days together?Our easy-peasy days back then!Those are the endearing memories which are always revered.It was June 1997,though I don't remember the date;two cry babies met for the first time.I wonder how we became friends?Did we ask each other,shall we be friends??...Whatever!!..after all I can't change my fate..Hahahah..(P.S:I am not kidding :p).

We shared adjacent places in class,went home in same school bus,played together and so on.I remember,always we hooked each other's little fingers.Was it our promise to stay like this forever???.When my mom packed my tiffin box,I used to say"keep Femi's share too".When someone gifted me something,be it chocolates or colour pencils or stickers or anything,I said"I will keep this and will give the other one to Femi".

I could still recall the excitement we had when our families accidentally met somewhere outside,for any functions or outings or even at church."Ammaaa,look here's Femi,I screamed.No ego clashes back then,but only "Katti" and "Batti"!!.

Happiness meant singing 'old MacDonald had a farm' and
'Mary had a little lamb' together.And we were so thrilled when we both got picked up for the same action song team for the school annual day.When the interval bell rang our ears got flooded with,'Baa baa black sheep','Ringa ringa roses','chubby cheeks' and many more.

It was too hard for me,when you moved to new school.But I am happy that we went to the same church,hence in the same sunday class.Do you remember the days we eagerly waited for sundays,so that we could see each other and talk our heads off with all the school stories and gossips.I should say that you came to sunday school only because of 'me and the certificate'.
Entrance coaching classes were something I hate about,but I can never thank "Brilliant" enough for putting us in the same class.

You are a special person with a more special heart.You know that for 24/7 I tease you,but know this Femi;it's only because I love to see you laugh.As I always say you are my "Teddy" and my "Laughing Budha".All my close friends know about you and you know what,"my Femi" is what I say when I talk about you to others.

Our friendship is an embodiment to know that 'friendship is
not all about hangouts and selfies'.Even without all these we share a special bond,something rare to see.But if I get a chance to study with you from LKG to 12th or even more,definitely I would love to.
So Femss,always keep that signature smile of yours.I love you and you will always be remembered until my death!!!....It sounds too dramatic right!I know...But it's the truth,because even my signature is what you gave me.You taught me to sign.So till the day I could sign,I will think about you.

With more and more love,
Your bestie!
So friends why not try to write a letter to your bestie!!!!


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