Just Don't forget To Remember!!

The womb,
'The womb' that bore you,
Until  you saw daylight,
Even if not revered,
Forget it not!

The tears,
'The tears' of happiness,
When they held you in their arms,
If you can't recollect,
Just don't forget.

The hands,
'The hands' which held you,
When you stumbled down,
You may not remember,
But never ever forget.

The eyes,
'The eyes' that stayed open, the whole night,
Till you went to deep sleep,
If you don't remember,
Try! to not forget.

The tongue,
'The tongue' which taught you,
The very lessons of life,
Do you remember?
Better not forget.

The fingers,
'The fingers' that locked yours,
When you cried to see mommy,
If you can't recall ,
Still don't forget them!

The palms,
'The palms' that patted you and said,
"Don't worry, daddy's princess!"
Don't you dare forget,
Even though you can't remember.

The feet,
'The feet' which you touched,
To enter the stage for the first time.
It's okay if not remembered,
Make sure you don't forget.

The ears,
'The ears' that listened to all your secrets,
Until you fall asleep on her bed,
How could you forget that friend?
Remind you, to remember her.

The shoulder,
'The shoulder' which gave you comfort,
When you were down,
Once you may not remember,
But, let you not forget.

The forehead,
'The forehead' that always sweat,
To give you the best,
Must not forget,
And you must remember!

The heart,
'The heart' which carry you,
No matter what,
Please don't forget,
Hence, you will remember!!

The faces,
All 'these faces' 
That you see each day,
Don't forget to remember,
And remember, not to forget!


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