In Search of Silence.........!!!!!

In search of silence;
On my bed I sat and asked,
What is silence?
Whir of the fan replied:
Silence! What's that?
Loud pop music on T.V shouted,
I don't know!
Dripping tap water murmered;
There's nothing called silence!
I went out in search of silence,
Honking horns of vehicles said,
We've no idea.
I moved ahead to know silence;
Crows on trees didn't answer,
But just cawed.
A tunnel I saw,
I went into the tunnel,
Too dark it was,
Nothing I heard,
No one I saw;
All alone I felt,
Tired me sat on the floor.
The exhausted mind said,
Silence is peace.
While the lonesome heart said:
Silence is loneliness!


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