A Toast To My Best Friend❤️

To my best friend,

I don't know what to say about you. Right now I'm at loss for words to express what you are for me. You are my friend.No! You are my best friend.No! You are my sister. No! You are my soulmate. No! You are my bestest soul sister-friend!! Yes! You are nothing but everything to me. Do you remember someone asked us long before ' how long we've known each other'?
Back in 2011 on the day of our B-Tech admission, we met for the first time. In fact I met you! I've noticed you while standing in the long queue waiting for our turn for certificate verification or something. I don't know why! May be you were so pleasant and bubbly as always and had your signature smile; in between thousands of tensed faces. To my surprise, even my parents noticed you but that's coz you and my cousin sister (Cynthiachi) look alike. Then my fate or what 😝 we were in same class. After our first day in college, at hostel during the attendance session I sat next to you. Remember how we said "Hey" to each other! 🤣🤣 And from then I have you beside me.
That weekend, I remember you came with me to kottayam as you had to go to changanacherry. In the bus someone asked 'where we are from, what are we doing' etc. To which we replied, "we are B-TECH 1st year students, our classes just started a week before and now we are heading home". I still don't know what made him ask: " So you guys are from same school"? We looked each other, smiled and said "No, we just met a week ago!
We used to go to college together, walk together, eat together, do everything together. People asked us, where's the other one when either of us were absent or by chance if they found any of us alone (P.S: That's once in a blue moon😋).You gave me my favorite pet name "Meri". You did tolerate all my emotional dramas and breakdowns. You helped me cross the roads.🤣🤣 ( When you are with me I will just close my eyes and cross the road, coz I trust you). You tried to make me stronger. ( Now I'm not that emotionally weak as I was then, thanks to DC).

Then something beautiful happened. "RANDM " happened! When I say "RANDM" happened it has everything in it. The fun, the happiness, the craziness, the laughs, the tears, the heart breaks, the stupidities, the nonsenses, the punishments, the long talks, the chit-chats, the rumours, the gossips, the selfie breaks, the mech teasings, the classroom games, the movie times, the sleepovers, the hostel days, the last minute exam preps, the "bibinca moments" (P.S: Only a RANDM ian wil get it🤣) , the trips, the biriyani fights, the lovers talks, the secret languages, the 'we don't like anyone' looks(and songs😅), the "matran" days, the shavarma evenings, the amigos hours, the moopli days, the sky walk days and many more........ Yes RANDM means everything! I simply love RANDM for what we are and for what we are not. Renu, Riya, Anu, Anupa, Neethu, Dean, Meri. The one thing I'm thankful to VJCET is 'it made "US"(The RANDM).

You and dean are the best roommates I could ever get. Our hostel days were beautiful and different. You, dean and I - The Three Musketeers!
In between someone else came in to your life, 'your kunju' ( as you always say). To be frank I was a little nervous and worried that will he take care of you the way I do? ( Coz I knew I will take care of you sooooo very well)  And I prayed a lot for Kunju to be the right person for you and if this is the best, let this happen. You already know this. But now, probably I'm the happiest person as I know he's the perfect match for you, made in heaven (touchwood) and no one would take care of you better than him. I've seen it and I've felt it. You guys are made for each other!
I'm happy that even after college nothing changed between us. But one thing I miss after our college got over is 'teaching you' for exams. I know you have STML😜 and will forget to wish me on my birthdays, you won't attend the phone calls everytime, you don't know to express love at times (only at times). But despite all these, I still love you. We have got each other always. Still we manage to update each other what ever happens in our lives and to make frequent visits. (P.S : Special thanks to Kunju for taking you to meet me wherever I am). I love everything about you. Your madness, cuteness, craziness, insanity, foolishness, anything & everything. I loved you in the past tense, I love you in the present tense and I will love you in the future tense. You may have tons of other friends but you are mine.😏

I want to cry out of happiness coz you are going to marry the love of your life.

"Me or playing basketball, what do you love more? "She asked. The reply playing basketball made her sad. He added, "you are the basket-my ultimate aim. I will play my best and defend everything to reach you".

Yes he did it! They did it! He proved his love.
On the day of your wedding, I hope you will jump and dance around out of happiness and I wish & I pray for that happiness to continue for the rest of your life. May you live your dream life with yours only- Kunju.

And now when we're asked how long we've known each other I like to say "FOREVER"❤️❤️❤️
So here's  "To many more days of irritating Kunju"💓 May you have the best life together!


I love you Renu😘


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