The Shade........!!!

Under the tree, I sat. I feel so hopeless, lost and shattered. I wish to get vanished from this sick world, if I could. Life is squeezing me so hard that I couldn't get out of it. Once I had so many people whom I thought, would stay with me for long. But now!!! I feel, I am all alone. What's actually happening to me? What's going through my mind? I really can't figure it out, I am stuck and clueless.

Nothing makes any sense to me right now. I could feel the changes. Is this changing phase of life affecting me so much? The transition zone from an immature student to a responsible employee! The sudden switch from a carefree lifestyle to an organised one! The work pressure, tensions, responsibilities......!!! May be...or may be not!

I felt so weak and rested my head against the tree. I could feel the tender feather touch of leaves on me, as it shed it's leaves. Was it trying to console me? Or rather trying to talk to me? I tried to listen. I was literally aching to hear something, that 'something' which could perk me up . I was dying to have someone to talk my heart out.
Can you hear me?
Can you feel me?
Can you?
I cried.

"Yes I can"!
"I am 'the Shade' you craved for".

Did I really hear this? Is that you?, I asked.
Yes, the tree replied.
I am there for you; in fact I was always there for you. But my existence never bothered you.
Do you remember the day you bought me here. With so much of love you planted me near your room. Every day and night you watched me,checked on me. How dearly you watered me and waited for me to grow. I saw the happiness in your eyes seeing my tiny new leaves. Whenever someone visited your house, you took them to me. You had so much to say about me to them. You have never failed to say goodbye to me when you went to school. I grew up with you.
Years passed by, and I was still there. Every morning you walk past me to college, I waved at you; you didn't see. I said "hey look at me", you never heard. You had fun with your friends, but you never took them to me.
I was sad.
I was hurt.
I was alone.
But then I knew, it's all  part of life. See! Seasons change; now I am green, full of leaves.  But autum is not far away. It doesn't make me melancholy. As I know, the spring is yet to come. So are the seasons of life.
Myriad birds come to me each day. The one I see today may not be there tomorrow. This is life!
You are not alone, there will be someone waiting for you. The same way I was there for you. It's just that you need to find that "someone". And just go with the flow. Go with the changes, you will get through it.
"Behold the one beholding you".


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