The Untold


You are my king
and the best thing
happened in my life;
lucky to be your wife.
Everything you do
when I feel blue
makes me feel better,
nothing else matter.
The way you console
could heal my soul.
When I'm down
you put me the crown,
just after a while
brings back that smile.
Since the time we know,
together we grow
the sense of unity
till eternity,
the love and care
and the bond we share
is so pure
and will endure.
It grows stronger;
stays longer.
So deep the affection
a true connection.
Looking at the wedding band
Oh! It says 'my husband ',
with the shaking feet
my heart skips a beat
reminds me of the day
when we said, hey!
the first time we met
I will never forget.
The verandah, where
it all began, I swear,
our life unfold
a story untold.
The moments I have known,
all of them, our own.
I have no words to say
See! we have come a long way.
From being 'just friends'
to 'best friends'
and to lovers
the story uncovers.
Walking down the aisle
our dream for a long while,
then the marriage,
a beautiful voyage
through ups and downs
with smiles and frowns
silly fights,
sleepless nights
the warm hugs
addictive than drugs,
we came along
moving strong.
Blessed we are;
and now we have 'her'
The token of our love
recieved from above,
happiness and delight
of the miracle sight
of her giggles
with playful tickles.
Her precious face
the purest grace.
Our love is real
we call it Rael.


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