I'm Unique!


The day I was born

I heard people bemoan,

Oh see the pudgy body!

Looks like a teddy.

They felt that,

I was a bit fat.

As the days went

by;I saw their discontent.

Poor little thing!

how is she so thin?

Their only aim

is to blame

none other,

but my mother.

They would clutch

and feed me much.

I didn't know,

to say no!

Then they used to ask,

Why doesn't she walk?

At half past one,

I learnt to run.

Then they complained

and restrained

me from walking around

picked me up from the ground.

They seemed to be tired,

Why they act so weird? 

Those folk

wanted me to talk.

Their concern was the other kid,

who spoke already; they said

'She is a late talker',

took me to a doctor.

After a week,

I started to speak.

Then what does matter

was I'm a non stop chatter!

'She is too loud

and noisy when around'.

'So naughty and wild

is your child';

My mom was so sad,

all these made her mad.

Then they look at me and say,

Oh! Stop growing fast, just stay!

Counting the number of words

and the name of the birds

I learnt; they were worried.

To make me learn, they hurried;

Advised my mom,

not to stay calm,

and how to turn her

to a quick learner;

All the aunties with tons of tips,

each day they had new tricks;

To make me eat,

salad and meat,

and to teach me,

to spell a tree,

and how to behave well,

when someone rang the doorbell.

To teach me the rhyme

in a short span of time,

do the weird makeup

before I wake up,

to get rid of the evil eye,

no matter if I cry.

Everything is a norm,

never fail to perform,

to be a good parent

these are inherent,

is the thought,

they taught.

Dear mom, don't you worry,

with other's query.

For me everything is new,

trying hard to get through

Let me feel the way I do,

please don't overdo.

Know my pace

and give me the space.

Help me relax

and learn new facts.

Correct me if I'm wrong

and say that I'm strong!

Praise me when I'm good

that made you proud.

Taking that ball in my hand

one day stably I will stand.

Please don't judge,

I will earn that badge!

Understand, stay calm,

know how unique I am!


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