The Escape


A few days ago, I happened to know from a friend of mine that her friend is no more. When I asked her about the same,she said that her friend had anxiety issues and she was going through divorce process. But the last time they spoke she told they got back together and she had put up a picture.

My friend was so sad that she couldn't check on her amidst her busy life. We will never know  what a person with depression might be going through. If we could once in a while have a conversation with our close ones, that will definitely help them out. Let's be there for each other when they need the most rather than regretting for the rest of our lives. Every life matters.  

Darkness covers up like a cape,
All I wish is to escape,
The reality of life,
piercing like a knife;
To talk,
or a walk;
To shatter the silence;
this emotional violence.
Inside the cage,
in pain and rage;
all the days & nights,
dealing with the inner fights.
Confronting with countless doubts,
about my existence and whereabouts.
At times, to myself I say,
ignorance is the best way.
All the changes around;
missing the smiles abound;
Enduring the inner turmoil,
all the happiness did spoil.
Too much to take,
I'm at the end of the lake!
Vague amid all;
a step and I'll fall.
The emotional reflection
or rather self obsession;
Is it the secret confession
of smiling depression?
Am I running to hide,
from buried feelings inside?
Trying to fake a smile,
for a long while.
But my eyes won't lie
and I can't deny!
So why to pretend,
till the end?
A helping hand to lend
Or a close friend;
I wish if I had,
before I go mad.
But everyone's gone,
and left me alone.
Darkness growing
inside me, I'm groaning.
A break from the lonesome day,
slowly I'm fading away.
I closed my eyes
Yes, I'm flying through the skies.


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