Let's not CHANGE!

The poem " Let's not change", is something that came to my mind during the days of lockdown where I have tried to potray the positive side of those days. I know it's a very difficult phase of life that we are going through, but  this too shall pass. Let's try to find the brighter side of this and move on and that's the whole idea of "Let's not change". Let's not change for the good!!!

I'm a daughter.
who does not care.
I'm someone's wife,
in the busy stream of life.
And I'm a mother
more than any other.
But I never had time;
my life was like a mime.
I cooked the breakfast,
ran to the office fast.
My child was still asleep,
I had no promises to keep.

My husband is always busy,
who says with money life's easy.
Together we stay,
but a million miles away.
We didn't talk;
or take an evening walk.
My kid wanted me to play,
I would say, the next day.
Filled with tears, she ran away,
But nothing I could say.
I'm busy the whole day,
fighting every inch of the way.

I can't find my glasses,
and coffee in her hand splashes.
Mom! I'm losing my mind,
See! you are not blind!
It's there in front of you,
Oh! What would I do!
I've no time to waste,
I'm already late.
I shouted at my mom,
as I've  lost my calm.
She said looking at me,
I'm sorry! I didn't see.

I was a friend too,
who was not enough true.
I never attended their calls,
containing friendship within the walls.
I had no time,
Is that a big crime?
Above all I've forgotten the 'green',
Then came the days of quarantine.

It opened my eyes,
Now I see the blue skies,
and I will never complain,
that I've no time, not again,
Coz now I can dance in the rain.
without any regrets and pain.
Husband and I went for a garden walk.
This time we had so much to talk.
I saw fallen dead leaves, wilted plants,
How did I forget to water my plants?
Is nature taken for granted?
Vandalizing the green, god planted.
We had all the things we wanted,
One day we'll leave empty-handed.

Together we saw the sunset,
The long walk ain't over, yet.
Coz now I've enough time,
to sing my child's favorite rhyme,
to  listen to her stories & to  play.
Also together we all pray.
And  I sat with my mother today,
I noticed she's going blind day by day.
I took her hand,
and said I can understand.
I kissed on her forehead,
and sat beside her bed.

It ain't quite the end,
for being a good friend,
I wish them on birthdays;
and recollecting memories of old days.
We find time to talk these days,
as technology offers so many ways.
Dusting off my old skills in this lockdown.
Tears roll down my cheeks when I pen down.
tears of happiness on this night,
that I can still write.

This too shall pass!
The tougher days; alas!
Let this end soon,
but this is also a boon,
I fear, will this be the same?
at the end of the game;
May be you'll feel strange, 
for brighter days let's not CHANGE!

Coz now!
I'm a daughter,
I'm a wife,
I'm a mother,
Moreover I'm 'me'.
But then I wasn't!!


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