The Way Of LIFE!!!

Down the waves of life, I row;
Awaiting the tide to get low.
I push myself not to be slow,
For I've a long way to go.

Over the storms of life, I sail,
With ups and downs in the trail.
Calm waters and blue skies now,
Dark thunder clouds and lightning soon, how?

Along the tranquil winds; I fly,
Unexpected gale, wild and high,
Make me toss, turn, sway,
And can get me blown away.

The moment, sky may be blue,
Then  cloudy in mist and dew.
The path I couldn't see;
I stumbled, fell on my knee.

The ray I saw-'the ray of hope',
Followed the ray, I didn't stop.
To reach the end, I walked,
Through the way of life, I walked.


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