"Hidden Love"

I did love,
then, now and always!
That still I love;
Didn't I love enough?
Know, my love is pure.
Can you read,
my entangled mind?
For I am lost,
in labyrinthine thoughts.
My feelings for you are real,
Do not you feel?
Touch my heart;
In it burns,
the flame of love.
 My love is hidden.
Can you see,
the brook in my heart?
Where bashful flowers bloom;
I hide myself within them.
Awaiting the blushing bird,
to come and drink,
from my little brook.
You may not know,
Still it flows to you.
Waiting for your reply.
And if you doubt,
my true love.
I've nothing else to show,
other than my loving heart.
This is my heart,
for you to see,
My hidden love!


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