The Void!

An old empty chair, walls whispered,'not fair'; cascading emotions, can't avoid leaving behind a void. The shrieking voice, we miss, but no choice. Like the rising whirlwinds emanating thoughts in minds. When the days were darker, life couldn't get harder, amidst the fog and the mist, we're glad you did exist. You were a guiding light, who said, it's all right. Betwixt every fight, you held it tight. You tried your best everytime Protecting us anytime. Sometimes the angry father, at times the godfather. Countless roles you've played, like a rock and never swayed. More tiff's we've had, some clashes gone bad. Those days we never cared; But we weren't prepared, and couldn't believe that you would leave. It ain't the same again, We had you then, all our concerns, we've shared, Now all alone and scared. We never bothered your presence, But the unintended silence of your absence, couldn't keep the ba...