The "MOTHER" You Forgot!

I've a story to tell, listen, it's yours as well. I'm the mother of many, but in real there weren't any. The mother of all generations, despite religion & discriminations. Them, so much I loved, yet they remained, unmoved. About me they never cared, I was all alone and scared. Still I never complained, my love never waned. All I know is to give, what they needed to survive; I gave them every single thing, food, water, shelter; everything; gifted them beauty, art, sanity for I loved them beyond infinity. But they wanted more, exploited me to the core. And took everything from me, taken for granted when it's free. I gave them my heart, but all they knew was to hurt. With plastics they filled my lungs, more painful, as they are my sons! I tried in vain to breathe, choking underneath. Rising smoke burnt my skin, and they broke my bones within. Pierced my hands and feet, with axe and saw and repeat; Dug deep into my heart tearing my flesh apart. Wounds that never hea...