Now & Forever💘

At the very first sight,
Some connection I felt;
Happy that I found you
I felt like I've known you
My whole life & forever.
Never the same again
Ever since I met you &
Having you is a blessing,
And the best thing in my life!

Again I tell you the zillionth time,
Nothing makes me happier than,
Just being with you,
And this feeling can
Never be replaced by
Anything else on this earth.

Very moment I saw you,
I knew you were the one.
Still I believe the same &
Hope it will always be,
No matter what.
Unless I die!
Just your glance everytime,
And I will fall for you all over again,
Imprisoned by your love, I am;
May it be eternal & beyond.

Just a matter of time &
I know our love is growing,
Stronger & deeper every day
Here we are, still the same.
And will grow old together.
Best days of our love,
If I could resume;
Verily I would say,
I wish to do it all over again &
Never want to pause.

May the years ahead,
And the coming better days,
Radiate intense love and
Yet more happiness,
Visible to heart but
Invisible to the eyes &
Never let this end,
Until the very end !

Forever stay in love
Even in tough times &
Make memorable moments
In everyday life, together.
May our love grow
All the days of our lives
Through the bond of marriage,
In faith, trust & joy.
Now and forever!


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